
土耳其一女司机在渡轮正要驶离伊斯坦堡港口之即驾车强行登船,导致整台车坠入海里。当时车内还坐着她的小孙女(5岁)。两人随后经人救上岸,但小女孩已经溺水死亡。。视频信息:A five-year-old girl has been killed after a car fell into the sea when attempting to board a ferry that was pulling away from a port in Istanbul, Turkey. Two women managed to escape and swim to the surface but the little girl and her grandmother had to be rescued by divers. The child was rushed to hospital but later died. It’s thought that the ferry hatchways were not closed properly. The captain and two ferry personnel were arrested for reckless homicide but they have now been released.

